Early retirement and financial freedom

Kenny's story

Kenny was referred to us by an existing client and he was looking to retire in two years’ time.

Kenny had worked for 40 years and had felt he was ready to retire as soon as possible, but he didn’t have full information on his pensions or the options he had.  When we first met Kenny, he had various “bits and pieces” of pensions and investments that he had collated throughout his working life.  Whilst he had a rough idea of the figures, he was not sure of what these meant for him.

We chatted with him and educated him on the differences between the types of pensions he had, and we discussed the income options available to him.  We also completed an in-depth review of his income and expenditure requirements throughout the remainder of his life – something Kenny said he had never really thought about before.  This detail formed part of a cashflow analysis which helped show Kenny that not only could he retire when he wanted to, but he could actually go earlier.

Case Studies

The outcome

This helped Kenny to relax into his job as the uncertainty was immediately taken away from him – he had peace of mind and a plan showing what his retirement would look like.

We consolidated Kenny’s pensions and investments and, not long after this was completed, he retired – almost two years earlier than initially desired.

Kenny, and his wife Linda, were very happy to be spending more time together, and are now delighted to be working with us.  Their plan is continually monitored to make sure they are on track with their objectives, and it’s adapted when needed.  They both look forward to being able to travel much more, very soon.

A pension is a long-term investment and the value is not guaranteed.  Any advice or considerations are personal to each individual’s circumstances.  The value of investments may go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.  The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Cashflow Planning.