Workplace Pensions

Your staff pension scheme

In 2012, the government began introducing pensions automatic enrolment. This placed considerable new responsibilities on employers. Our corporate team has extensive experience of helping businesses meet their obligations in this area.

We offer tailored advice and support on pension legislation and governance, for example helping comply with your re-enrolment duties. We can also provide full administration on all pension related matters such as pension uploads, joiners and leavers. We can work alongside your payroll contacts or other advisers to ensure your company pension is kept fully up to date.

We will work with you to build the most appropriate package for your needs.  Below are two typical propositions.

Your Staff Pension Scheme
Simple Solutions

Simple Solutions

A simplified advice process that includes:

Complete Solutions

A full administration service on your company pension. This would take away the hassle and burden of you running the scheme yourself, and includes:

Complete Solutions

A pension is a long-term investment and the value is not guaranteed.  Any advice or considerations are personal to each individual’s circumstances.  The value of investments may go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.