Fees and what to expect

How we are paid

Many potential clients ask us at an early stage, “What are your fees?”

Naturally, people want to know what something will cost before they make any decisions.  We strive to ensure that all charges are clear and transparent from the outset.

We are likely to hold initial discussions with you at our expense.  We believe that this is the fairest way of helping you to make an informed choice on whether to take things forward.

Following this, there will be charges for our detailed analysis, advice and recommendations.  These charges will cover all our research, our professional responsibility and the ownership of your plan.

People’s needs, circumstances and complexity levels vary enormously so a tailored proposal will be provided once we have discussed and assessed your needs.  We will explain and confirm our strategy fee before we begin any work.

An ongoing relationship

Ongoing monitoring is the most important part of the financial planning cycle, so there will be charges to cover the costs of our ongoing work, advice and continuing relationship.

There are also likely to be third party costs in addition to our own, and we will make sure that these are made clear before any plan is set up for you.

Total ongoing fees typically break down as:

Advice fees

Product fees

Investment fees

In most cases we will be able to give a clear indication of likely costs after our first meeting. In all cases we will explain exactly what our fees would be, before you are committed to paying us anything.